Category:Valued images promoted 2024-02
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Media in category "Valued images promoted 2024-02"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 205 total.
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Ban Ki-Moon Orchid Flower Singapore Feb23 D72 25479.jpg 3,342 × 3,342; 8.06 MB
Forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus) at nest South Bruny.jpg 4,422 × 2,948; 7.22 MB
(MHNT) Hibiscus coccineus flower and bottoms.jpg 5,504 × 6,548; 25.87 MB
(Venice) Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana - Interior - Wisdom by Titien.jpg 5,802 × 5,671; 26.43 MB
(Venice) Portrait of the Emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus - Museo archeologico nazionale.jpg 5,215 × 6,695; 30.27 MB
Eastern whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus lateralis) Atherton.jpg 4,891 × 3,260; 6.51 MB
(Venice) Battaglia di Lepanto - Andrea Vicentino - Correr Museum.jpg 7,594 × 3,643; 29.38 MB
Green oriole (Oriolus flavocinctus kingi) on nest Daintree.jpg 2,873 × 2,873; 6.28 MB
Lille, Vieux Lille, Sphynx du temple de la rue Thiers.jpg 2,431 × 1,667; 3.24 MB
(MHNT) Brahmaea europaea - ventral.jpg 7,779 × 4,858; 25.27 MB
(Venice) Insegna dell'arte dei Remeri - Correr Museum.jpg 8,432 × 4,386; 54.51 MB
(Venice) Tiberius Portrait of the 'Imperium Maius' type in Museo Archeologico Nazionale.jpg 5,504 × 7,080; 41.91 MB
Fish-mouth Cannon Mehrangarh Fort Dec14 DSC 6645.jpg 5,878 × 2,939; 6.8 MB
Tarasp gemeente Scuol, 18-09-2023. (actm.) 15.jpg 4,146 × 3,096; 6.58 MB
(Venice) Antonia Minore in Museo Archeologico Nazionale.jpg 5,504 × 7,186; 34.97 MB
(Venice) Ink pot - Foot, beginning sixtieenth century - Museo Correr.jpg 4,821 × 3,602; 19.57 MB
2018-05-12 02 MS ARROW off Douglas, UK.jpg 5,453 × 3,640; 9.37 MB
Grey-headed robin (Heteromyias cinereifrons) Atherton.jpg 3,193 × 3,193; 7.23 MB
(Barcelona) Placa central de creu - Majestat - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.jpg 5,207 × 7,174; 28.73 MB
Meiocardia vulgaris 01.jpg 13,400 × 6,200; 14.1 MB
(Toulouse) Tête de Buddha - Thaïlande XVIe 93.1.1 - Musée Labit.jpg 5,504 × 7,576; 31.62 MB
(Venice) Bust of Faustina Minor in National archeologic museum.jpg 4,940 × 5,347; 29.13 MB
Baths of Maria de Padilla, Alcázar of Seville.jpg 4,000 × 2,666; 3.31 MB
Lille.- Reliefs of Sacrifice of Isaac Rue Lepelletier.jpg 1,512 × 1,197; 1.19 MB
Meiocardia vulgaris 02.jpg 13,600 × 6,200; 13.45 MB
(Toulouse) Substituts d'homme et de femme XIe dynastie - tombe d'Assiout - Musée Labit.jpg 4,403 × 7,067; 19.6 MB
(Venice) Veduta a volo d'uccello dell'arsenale - Antonio di Natale - Museo Correr.jpg 6,327 × 4,747; 37.78 MB
Hoary-headed grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus) non breeding Adelaide.jpg 2,666 × 1,778; 2.11 MB
Ocenebra hybrida 01.jpg 7,600 × 6,200; 5.58 MB
(Venice) Statuette of Falling Gaul - Museo Archeologico Nazionale.jpg 7,489 × 5,808; 24.57 MB
Austrolittorina antipodum 01.jpg 9,200 × 6,800; 13.02 MB
Halluin vestiges de la Gare (1).JPG 3,504 × 2,429; 2.38 MB
Ourapteryx nakajimai NHMUK 15106081.jpg 8,254 × 6,066; 10.36 MB
(Toulouse) Vase rituel pour offrande de boisson, jue Zhou de l'Ouest Chine - Musée Labit.jpg 3,990 × 5,331; 14.11 MB
Ourapteryx incaudata NHMUK 13321086.jpg 7,251 × 5,798; 9.68 MB
Ourapteryx versuta NHMUK 15106187.jpg 7,519 × 5,817; 11.26 MB
(MHNT) Poecilocampa populi f. semova - Jaskulin - Poland - male ventral.jpg 5,461 × 3,559; 12.56 MB
(Venice) Sculptures of Cupid and Psyche Terracotta sketch by Canova - Museo Correr.jpg 6,648 × 5,022; 20.65 MB
(Venice) Statua di Aponus seconda metà del II sec. d c - Museo Archeologico Nazionale.JPG 3,154 × 7,369; 12.54 MB
Reformierte Kirche Scuol. 15-09-2023. (actm.) 05.jpg 3,412 × 5,118; 15.27 MB
(Toulouse) Brush display - Qing Periode (1644-1911) - Musée Labit.jpg 2,953 × 2,180; 7.92 MB
(Venice) Insegna dell'arte dei Calcineri (Venditori di Calce) - Correr Museum.jpg 6,750 × 4,065; 36.46 MB
(Venice) Ritratto del Doge Morosini a cavallo - Giovanni Carboncino - Museo Correr.jpg 7,646 × 11,442; 85.21 MB
Ourapteryx clara formosana late instar larva.jpg 5,912 × 3,854; 8.39 MB
(Venice) François-Séverin Marceau par Lebrun - Correr Museum.jpg 5,706 × 6,699; 16.51 MB
Charleroi - Beffroi vu de la place du Manège - 2023-07-06 - 01.jpg 2,676 × 4,041; 5.29 MB
Jeep Grand Wagoneer (WS) 1X7A1911.jpg 5,645 × 3,144; 11.2 MB
Lewin's honeyeater (Meliphaga lewinii mab) Atherton.jpg 4,314 × 2,876; 6.91 MB
Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis) in flight Blanchetown.jpg 2,778 × 1,852; 2.17 MB
Aston Martin DB12 1X7A1921.jpg 5,411 × 3,610; 10.83 MB
Chlamys textoria 01.jpg 4,800 × 4,800; 6.55 MB
Félicien Rops - Pornokratès - 1878FXD.jpg 3,132 × 4,848; 2.36 MB
Lesser crested tern (Thalasseus bengalensis torresii) in flight Michaelmas Cay.jpg 2,786 × 1,857; 1.92 MB
Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis) Blanchetown.jpg 2,636 × 3,426; 4.87 MB
(Lavaur) Autour des pêcheurs de sable (étude pour le foyer du théâtre du Capitole) Henri Rachou.jpg 11,274 × 9,504; 44.13 MB
(Venice) Allegoria del Potere Temporale - Gregorio Lazzarini - Museo Correr.jpg 13,098 × 9,722; 64.44 MB
Blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus) Juv.jpg 3,360 × 2,240; 1.17 MB
DuskyWarbler Cropped.jpg 3,012 × 2,100; 1.87 MB
Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea) in flight Kakadu.jpg 4,656 × 3,104; 4.56 MB
(Venice) Statuetta di Ercole con i pomi delle Esperidi in the Museo archeologico nazionale.jpg 4,134 × 7,854; 19.42 MB
(Barcelona) Dream by Joan Brull - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.jpg 8,398 × 12,462; 58.71 MB
(Venice) Statua di 'Adorante di Berlino' in the Museo archeologico nazionale.jpg 4,134 × 7,205; 20.59 MB
Little pied cormorant (Microcarbo melanoleucos melanoleucos) immature Kakadu.jpg 1,555 × 2,332; 2.03 MB
Magpie goose (Anseranas semipalmata) in flight Kakadu.jpg 4,073 × 2,716; 4.45 MB
Roisin. panonamique sur le château des Baudry.jpg 5,337 × 1,983; 9.61 MB
Hiatula diphos 01.jpg 15,200 × 5,000; 17.38 MB
Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks, Double Ring Pond - 2.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.48 MB
Aston Martin DB12 1X7A1934.jpg 5,756 × 2,878; 7.71 MB
Bruguières Eglise - plafond du choeur.jpg 6,001 × 4,270; 26.73 MB
Honda HR-V Hybrid 1X7A1882.jpg 5,055 × 3,373; 12.91 MB
NIO EL6 1X7A1886.jpg 5,027 × 2,730; 7.65 MB
BMW 7-Series (G70) 750e 1X7A1899.jpg 5,719 × 2,743; 9.05 MB
Central American agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) Los Tarrales.jpg 4,767 × 3,177; 9.37 MB
Cerithium albolineatum 01.jpg 7,000 × 6,400; 8.92 MB
Hiatula diphos 02.jpg 15,800 × 5,200; 18.85 MB
P1080459 Paris VIII avenue Hoche n°12 rwk.JPG 1,526 × 2,000; 1.54 MB
(Venice) Madonna with Child Pieta and Saints - Greek-Venetian Painter - Correr Museum.jpg 7,252 × 5,487; 31.62 MB
(Venice) Ritratto di Tiberio, 13 d.C - Museo Archeologico Nazionale.jpg 8,518 × 8,758; 24.56 MB
Ardez Kasteelruïne, 17-09-2023. (actm.) 10.jpg 3,027 × 4,540; 14.04 MB
Asian-Pied Starling.jpg 4,697 × 3,131; 9.27 MB
(Venice) Lustre de Murano du Salon des Audiences de l'Impératrice - Correr Museum.jpg 8,256 × 5,631; 53.74 MB
(Venice) Portaparrucche sec.XVIII - Correr Museum.jpg 8,563 × 4,014; 39.3 MB
(Toulouse) Cloche de monastère, XIXe, Mandalay, Birmanie - Musée Labit.jpg 6,235 × 7,207; 25.65 MB
(Venice) Busto in marmo del cosiddetto Vitellio - Museo Correr.jpg 10,002 × 15,724; 57.16 MB
Baisieux (Nord) - Centre socio-culturel (3).jpg 3,932 × 3,672; 3.96 MB
Hôtel de Magny, Jardin des Plantes, 27 May 2015.jpg 4,483 × 2,989; 8.29 MB
(Barcelona) Ofrena - Ramon Pichot Gironés - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.jpg 4,813 × 6,712; 34.33 MB
(MHNT) Phlox paniculata famous light purple - Les Martels, Giroussens Tarn.jpg 7,333 × 5,196; 16.36 MB
(Venice) Insegna dell'arte degli Orefici - Correr Museum.jpg 5,739 × 6,674; 52.04 MB
Isognomon dunkeri 02.jpg 15,000 × 8,000; 24.22 MB
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris) feeding juvenile Maria Island.jpg 4,546 × 3,031; 7.6 MB
(Venice) Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Gregorio Lazzarini - Gallerie Accademia.jpg 9,973 × 5,342; 57.45 MB
Crimson-breasted Woodpecker cropped.jpg 1,933 × 2,899; 2.88 MB
Great Thick-Knee.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 8.88 MB
Isognomon dunkeri 01.jpg 13,400 × 7,000; 19.13 MB
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris) in flight Freycinet.jpg 3,352 × 2,235; 3.25 MB
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris) juvenile Maria Island.jpg 2,526 × 1,684; 3.4 MB
(MHNT) Cosmotriche lobulina - Česká Třebová - République Tchèque - male dorsal.jpg 7,524 × 4,951; 27.4 MB
(Venice) S. Giovanni Evangelista, S. Paolo, S. Giorgio by Paolo Veneziano - Museo correr.jpg 5,138 × 4,913; 31.97 MB
Protestant (Evangelisch-Reformiert) Baselga de Arlez in Ardez. 17-09-2023. (actm.) 13.jpg 2,014 × 4,656; 12.37 MB
Red-collared lorikeet (Trichoglossus rubritorquis) Darwin.jpg 2,464 × 3,301; 4.91 MB
(MHNT) Cosmotriche lobulina - Česká Třebová - République Tchèque - male ventral.jpg 7,524 × 4,772; 24.29 MB
Bulla striata 02.jpg 8,800 × 7,400; 13.42 MB
Hollain la Pierre Brunehault.jpg 1,744 × 2,673; 3.79 MB
New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae canescens) South Bruny.jpg 2,600 × 2,600; 2.85 MB
Arnsberg vom Eierhauckberg.jpg 7,403 × 5,000; 8.04 MB
Flame robin (Petroica phoenicea) juvenile with insect South Bruny.jpg 2,404 × 1,602; 1.85 MB
Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus moluccanus) Sydney.jpg 2,702 × 3,496; 4.49 MB
Tarasp gemeente Scuol, "House to watch the sunset", 18-09-2023. (actm.) 28.jpg 3,930 × 2,673; 8.49 MB
(Venice) Battaglia nel canal di Mitilene - Correr Museum.jpg 7,487 × 3,899; 35.18 MB
Labit - Mingqi - Statuette funéraire - Marchand de tissus - Dynastie Tang - Inv.76 2 1.jpg 5,504 × 8,256; 12.28 MB
Ostrea edulis 07.jpg 13,000 × 6,600; 23.71 MB
(MHNT) Rethera komarovi drilon MHNT Konya prov. Turquie, male dorsal.jpg 8,522 × 5,617; 23.03 MB
(Toulouse) Târâ ou Prajnâpâramitâ - Preah Khan (Angkor)- Musée Labit.jpg 4,575 × 8,058; 28.75 MB
Masked lapwing (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) juvenile Hobart.jpg 2,345 × 1,564; 3.49 MB
(MHNT) Comibaena bajularia Gubałówka Poland - Male dorsal.jpg 4,926 × 3,640; 15.9 MB
(Venice) Minerva at her bath end of 5th century A.D - Venice National Archaeological Museum.jpg 4,928 × 4,852; 20.42 MB
Ardez Kasteelruïne, 17-09-2023. (actm.) 19.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 20.59 MB
Pacific gull (Larus pacificus pacificus) in flight Freycinet.jpg 3,546 × 2,364; 3.9 MB
Paperbark flycatcher (Myiagra nana) Kakadu.jpg 1,744 × 1,744; 1.35 MB
(MHNT) Rethera komarovi drilon MHNT Konya prov. Turquie, male ventral.jpg 8,522 × 5,539; 20.48 MB
(Venice) Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta 1445 - Museo Correr.jpg 4,193 × 4,189; 13.46 MB
Nissan Juke Hybrid Auto Zuerich 2023 1X7A1295.jpg 4,488 × 2,760; 7.99 MB
Pacific gull (Larus pacificus pacificus) Freycinet.jpg 2,810 × 3,652; 4.27 MB
(Venice) Davide con la testa di Golia, fine secolo XV - Museo Correr.jpg 4,370 × 7,323; 23.57 MB
Ostrea edulis 08.jpg 13,800 × 7,000; 28.45 MB
Sonalika Baagban DI-30Rx Tractor Coorg Feb24 A7C 09554.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 18.08 MB
Sonalika Baagban DI-30Rx Tractor Left Front Coorg Feb24 A7C 09555.jpg 3,820 × 3,820; 11.45 MB
Sooty oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus) South Bruny.jpg 2,186 × 1,458; 1.63 MB
(MHNT) Comibaena bajularia Gubałówka Poland - Male ventral.jpg 4,926 × 3,819; 13.39 MB
(Venice) Allegoria del potere militare - Gregorio Lazzarini - Correr Museum.jpg 8,784 × 6,498; 55.03 MB
Le Haut Terhand OudeIeperstraat.jpg 2,324 × 2,589; 2.5 MB
Nissan Juke Hybrid Auto Zuerich 2023 1X7A1296.jpg 3,661 × 2,442; 5.88 MB
(Barcelona) Dona i flors - Miquel Blay - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.jpg 14,354 × 10,522; 40.87 MB
(Toulouse) Shiva accompagné par deux divinités - Cambodge Style de Baphûon - Musée Labit.jpg 5,236 × 6,721; 26.7 MB
Haminoea orbignyana 01.jpg 10,200 × 7,200; 15.62 MB
Mrs. Gould's-Sunbird cropped.jpg 2,640 × 1,759; 1.62 MB
Plumed whistling ducks (Dendrocygna eytoni) in flight Kakadu.jpg 3,922 × 2,615; 2.58 MB
Steinküppelgipfel.jpg 5,333 × 3,000; 11.83 MB
La Guereja y Benito Castro.jpg 3,120 × 3,843; 1.11 MB
Pupa solidula 01.jpg 9,600 × 8,600; 20.61 MB
Spot-winged Rosefinch.jpg 5,170 × 3,447; 11.77 MB
Terp fan de Takomst bij Blije. 21-08-2023. (actm.) 28.jpg 5,090 × 3,424; 13.77 MB
Ficedula semitorquata MHNT.ZOO.2010.11.206.1.jpg 2,835 × 2,835; 2.23 MB
Ficedula speculigera MHNT.ZOO.2010.11.206.4.jpg 2,835 × 2,835; 2.53 MB
Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Gracia de Nercón A74072120240106.jpg 3,361 × 3,619; 7.89 MB
(Toulouse) Light-bearing child - Quing Periode (1644-1911) - Musée Labit.jpg 4,489 × 7,973; 26.66 MB
Ficedula hypoleuca hypoleuca MHNT.ZOO.2010.11.206.3.jpg 2,835 × 2,835; 2.9 MB
Haydn Kaiserlied Reinschrift.jpg 3,390 × 2,520; 1.84 MB
Minnivola pyxidata 01.jpg 13,400 × 6,400; 12.78 MB
Minnivola pyxidata 02.jpg 12,000 × 5,400; 13.34 MB
Slaty-backed Forktail cropped.jpg 3,886 × 2,591; 8.12 MB
(MHNT) Comibaena bajularia - Gubałówka Poland - Female ventral.jpg 5,899 × 4,228; 13.89 MB
(Venice) S. Agostino, S. Pietro, S. Giovanni Battista by Paolo Veneziano - Museo correr.jpg 5,420 × 5,233; 30.25 MB
Antoing Donjon du château des Princes de Ligne (Be) (4).jpg 3,285 × 2,903; 8.21 MB
Helme Heine portraitfoto.jpeg 640 × 426; 63 KB
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler cropped.jpg 4,052 × 2,700; 6.8 MB
Zernez, Unterengadin, Graubünden. 20-09-2023. (actm.) 12.jpg 3,364 × 4,806; 12.22 MB
(MHNT) Comibaena bajularia - Gubałówka Poland - Female dorsal.jpg 5,899 × 4,041; 16.5 MB
(Venice) Ara Grimani - Museo archeologico nazionale.jpg 4,281 × 4,281; 23.3 MB
(Venice) Female portrait by Angelo Maccagnino - Correr Museum.jpg 4,607 × 5,906; 33.16 MB
Calliostoma hernandezi 01.jpg 12,200 × 7,400; 17.78 MB
Swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) South Bruny.jpg 2,884 × 1,923; 3.78 MB
Heckelphon Wilhelm Heckel.jpg 512 × 1,978; 61 KB
Bellegem Sint-Amanduskerk (extérieur) (3).JPG 3,252 × 4,896; 2.8 MB
Binche Gare et square Eugène Derbaix.JPG 3,790 × 2,288; 5.05 MB
Victoria's riflebird (Ptiloris victoriae) female Atherton 2.jpg 3,959 × 2,639; 5.29 MB
(Venice) Right Mascaron of the facade of the Fenice.jpg 2,754 × 2,133; 6.99 MB
Ficedula parva MHNT.ZOO.2010.11.206.5.jpg 2,362 × 1,890; 1.6 MB
Lille - Aval de l'Écluse du Grand Carré Ina (ship, 1955) (1).jpg 3,618 × 2,398; 5.87 MB
Ophioderma longicaudum (Bruzelius, 1805).jpg 3,720 × 2,790; 3.59 MB
Tree martin (Petrochelidon nigricans nigricans) South Bruny.jpg 3,101 × 2,067; 2.62 MB
Wandering whistling-duck (Dendrocygna arcuata australis) in flight Kakadu 3.jpg 3,336 × 2,225; 3.18 MB
(MHNT) Ranunculus asiaticus - example of Totipotency.jpg 7,348 × 4,697; 13.77 MB
2023-08-22 JOHN P. WRONOSKI - IMO 9337432 - New London CT USA.jpg 4,689 × 3,120; 9.65 MB
Calliostoma depictum 01.jpg 12,200 × 7,800; 19.09 MB
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Chonchi) A74072820240106.jpg 3,760 × 4,415; 6.28 MB
Muscicapa striata striata MHNT.ZOO.2010.11.206.6.jpg 2,362 × 1,890; 1.15 MB
Tree martin (Petrochelidon nigricans nigricans) in fight Maria Island.jpg 2,936 × 1,958; 2.86 MB
(Venice) Christ at the Column by Pietro Da Vicenza - Correr Museum.jpg 5,163 × 7,217; 44.94 MB
Kreuzberg von Nordwesten.jpg 9,049 × 5,000; 10.14 MB
Protestant (Evangelisch-Reformiert) Baselga de Arlez in Ardez. 17-09-2023. (actm.) 06.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 15.33 MB
Victoria's riflebird (Ptiloris victoriae) male Atherton.jpg 3,104 × 3,104; 5.25 MB
Seeleute-Ausweis Rückseite.jpg 400 × 251; 30 KB
Victoria's riflebird (Ptiloris victoriae) male Atherton 2.jpg 4,844 × 3,229; 6.96 MB
Zernez, Unterengadin, Graubünden. 20-09-2023. (actm.) 23.jpg 3,191 × 5,105; 12.44 MB
(MHNT) Cyclophora albiocellaria - Gruszowa Poland - Female dorsal.jpg 4,897 × 3,144; 9.35 MB